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Warrior Without a War

Veterans Day, which was originally called Armistice Day for the Armistice with Germany in World War I. This holiday coincide and holds its origins with other countries’ celebrations of the ending of WWI, Armistice day & Remembrance Day.  Celebrated on November 11th due to WWI hostilities officially ending on the 11th hour of the 11th […]

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Self-Defense vs. Self-Offense

When we look at the plethora of either traditional martial arts or fighting systems, it’s important to understand and know what, as an individual, you are trying to accomplish in your “fighting skills” development.  Many “schools” may focus more on self-defense or competition-style fighting, or self-offense and focus on striking and various styles of attacks. […]

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A phrase often heard in my office, typically when trying to mentor a younger employee: “don’t come to me with problems; come to me with solutions.” I am often amazed at the lack of initiative and ability to think outside the box that society suffers from these days. It is easier for a person to […]

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